lunes, 16 de abril de 2007

Posting On

I'm rigth here in class doing something fun

I'm posting in other blogs and Im going to post from my friend...

First I posted in victorbasshugo, he's one of my friends in college. He loves the bass and he can play really well. He's post was about his talents and I jouke with him al lot so basacilly thise what its was...

"hey everyone it was an excellent day, the talent show!

i think this was the best english class i have ever been

my talent was to play the bass guitar and i play along nelson he can play the guitar,

there were a lot of different shows some of the people can cook and sing too"

I wrote him: " Ey hun! keep doing it you know you can be someone, just don't let the bass go down! =D".

I told him that so he can not quit to his dream, I want him to be happy with his live.

The Next Blog is... nelsonluizpaz89, I know him since I was in college and I really love him he is one of my best friends and i posted like these...

"Hello people!

My birthday is July Fifth (5th), I was born in nineteen eighty nine.
(1989) in Maracaibo, Zulia."

I wrot
e to him:

" Hello Hello my paz.

Our birthday its getting close we finally are gonna have 18!! =D
Hope we can be happy together and have fun!!"

I love him too so much, he is my little brother and we born from 2 days diferent

The next one its rodolfo003, he's other that grow up with me. He Nelson and I studied in the same high school..

He said: "Hello everybody: My name is Rodolfo Finol, I´m 17 years old and I am from Maracaibo originally. I study Mass communication in Urbe and I am part of the class S2A2."

And like a jouke a lot to him I call him: "
Well hello mister roboto ejeje.

I love when you have those glasses you look so COOL. Hope we can do something fun sooner!"

He's the best person that I ever know...

My new friend its the-androide-8a, I meet her last trimester and she's very funy I like her a lot and I never get borred from her.

She said "I eat so much specially chips, bread with butter, cheese, candies and every food cooking with a lot of oil."

I told her, like a jocke. "Keep trying to keep the diet "sis".

Some day you will joing me to eat sushi.. and that day youre gonna love it =3..

Its healthy and delicius! trust me!! =D" I really hope that she can understend it eejeje.

The next one and not less important its mahis116. I know her too the last trimester and she's a very fun girl.

She's always missing the streets and she put thise in her blog:

"Here is a little Map...tell me, what do you see?
Peace, Rock And Chocolate Hearseys!"

I told her " Girl thats fun... you dont know were to go! XD im messing around i love u jejeje bye"

And at the end we all have fun in the class, I get congratulations from the teacher and I think that Ill have a 20 in the trimester!! I'm so happy!!
Now I have to say good bye, the class its over...

Those are wee!

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